Frequently Asked Questions

Please find answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding our platform. You can look for technical queries, usage inquiries, or other relevant topics.
Connecting Stripe is not a requirement to access the Givell platform. Nevertheless, it is compulsory to link Stripe in order to commence creating task lists, generating tasks, receiving donations, sharing your profile, and interacting with your audience.
To share, click the "Share" button and choose between copying the link or sharing through social media. Copying the link directs users to your public profile, displaying all your task lists. Alternatively, copying the task list link directs them straight to the task list details. When sharing via social media, an automatic post is generated, which you can edit within the chosen social media platform.
Simply click on the "Create Task List" button on your profile page and configure it according to your preferences.
There is no limit to the number of task lists you can create.
There is no restriction on the number of tasks within a task list. Nevertheless, creating multiple task lists allows for diversification of tasks.
Yes, you have the option to activate this feature by toggling the setting when creating a task list or by editing existing task lists as needed.
No, task lists cannot be deleted. However, you can render them inactive, which will remove the public view of the task lists.
Yes, you can easily do so by accessing the details of the inactive task list, clicking the "..." button, and selecting "Activate Task List." This action will move the task list into the active task lists tab.
You can review and sort your earnings based on the chosen time frame. Your total earnings are consistently displayed on your profile page. Additionally, within the settings, you have the option to manage the visibility of your total earnings, which is initially deactivated. If desired, you can enable this feature to share your earnings with anyone viewing your profile.
You can either submit the form located on the right-hand side of the page or reach out to us via email: Kirilo Sztarcsak CEO and Co-Founder: Klym Lypovskyi CTO and Co-Founder:
Kirilo and Klym typically respond promptly, particularly when contacted via email. However, the response time can be up to 5 working days. Generally, you can anticipate a reply within 1 working day.
You can manage your notification preferences in the settings. Givell currently supports both browser notifications and email notifications, allowing you to toggle these channels on or off based on your preferences.
Certainly, you can view all the donors who have donated or created tasks for you. To do so, you can either click or tap on the donation amount displayed on the task card. Additionally, you can access all donations made by navigating to the settings and visiting the payment history page.
Givell aims to refine and enhance the product to the highest standards by working closely with beta-testers. While there isn't a specific timeline, the team is dedicated to launching the platform as efficiently as possible.

Contact Us

Please select the reason of contact and fill the form. We will come back to you within 2 working days.
  • General Enquiry
  • Account Assistance
  • Technical Support
  • Payment and Billing
  • Partnership Opportunities
  • Feedback and Suggestions
  • Reporting Issues